#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I/root/newsdb use getMySQLUserPwd; use RSSLite; use DBI; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTTP::Request; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Std; my $version = '0.05'; getopts('v:w:'); $opt_v = 0 unless $opt_v; if ($opt_v !~ /\d+/) { die "Verbose setting must be a digit!\n"; } my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("IL-xml-harvester/$version"); $ua->from("scott\@industrial-linux.org"); $ua->timeout(45); $ua->cookie_jar($cookies); my $dbh; $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=news", scalar(getpwuid($>)), getMySQLUserPwd() ) or die $dbh->errstr; my $site_select = 'select id, site_url, item_url from site'; $site_select .= " where $opt_w" if $opt_w; my $sites = $dbh->selectall_arrayref ($site_select) or die $dbh->errstr; my $insert = $dbh->prepare( "insert ignore into item " . " set id = ?, ts = now(), title = ?, descrip = ?, url = ?, site_id = ?" ) or die $dbh->errstr; my $getmax = $dbh->prepare( "select max(id)+1 from item" ) or die $dbh->errstr; my $site; foreach $site (@$sites) { my $content; my ($site_id, $site_url, $item_url) = @$site; print "Retrieving content from $item_url...\n" if $opt_v >= 4; my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $item_url); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { $content = $res->content; if (!$content) { print "Empty content from $item_url!\n" if $opt_v >= 2; next; } ## Maybe they left good info in anchor tags } elsif ($res->code eq '404') { print "Attempting link extraction...\n" if $opt_v >= 3; my $throwaway = $res->content; my $hrefs = $throwaway =~ s/<a\s+href=//gsi; ## 8 is more than typical navbar, but allows for not-quite-full RSS channel if ($hrefs >= 8) { print "Woohoo! Salvaged content by converting HTML to RSS for $item_url\n" if $opt_v >= 2; $content = LinksToRDF($item_url, $res->content); } else { print "GET failed with error ", $res->code, " for $item_url,\n" if $opt_v >= 1; next; } ## Maybe they just need a 'www.' in front } elsif ($res->code eq '500') { print "Attempting prefix www...\n" if $opt_v >= 3; $item_url =~ m|http://(.*?)/(.*)|; my ($host, $path) = ($1, $2); if ($host !~ /^www./) { $item_url = "http://www.$host/$path"; $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $item_url); $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success and $res->content) { print "Woohoo! Salvaged content by adding 'www.' to hostname!\n" if $opt_v >= 2; $content = $res->content; } else { print "GET failed for $item_url,\n", $res->as_string, "\n" if $opt_v >= 1; next; } } ## Maybe things are just screwed up } else { print "GET failed for $item_url,\n", $res->as_string, "\n" if $opt_v >= 1; next; } my $type = usableXML(\$content); print " ...XML type $type recognized\n" if $opt_v >= 8; if (not $type) { print "NOT usable XML content: $item_url\n" if $opt_v >= 2; next; } my %channel = (); my @items = (); my %rsl = (); RSSLite::parseXML(\%rsl, \$content); $channel{'description'} = $rsl{'description'}; $channel{'title'} = $rsl{'title'}; $channel{'link'} = $rsl{'link'}; $channel{'img_url'} = undef; if (defined(@{$rsl{'items'}})) { @items = @{$rsl{'items'}}; } else { @items = (); # Let it go so error msg can print } if (not scalar(@items)) { print "No items found for $item_url!\n" if $opt_v >= 2; next; } $channel{'link'} =~ s/&/&/gi; $dbh->do( "update site set descrip = ?, title = ?, img_url = ?, site_url = ?" . " where id = $site_id", undef, notempty($channel{'description'}), notempty($channel{'title'}), notempty($channel{'img_url'}), notempty($channel{'link'}) ) or die $dbh->errstr; my $i; foreach $i (@items) { $getmax->execute or die $getmax->errstr; my ($item_id) = $getmax->fetchrow_array; if ($getmax->err) { die $getmax->errstr; } $item_id = 1 unless $item_id; print " ...insert link ", substr($i->{'link'},0,60), "\n" if $opt_v >= 8; $insert->execute( $item_id, notempty($i->{'title'}), notempty($i->{'description'}), notempty($i->{'link'}), $site_id ); if ($insert->err and $insert->errstr !~ /duplicate/i) { die $insert->errstr; } } } undef $insert; undef $getmax; $dbh->disconnect; print "Done!" if $opt_v; exit 0; sub notempty { my ($s) = @_; if ((not defined($s)) or not $s) { return '-'; } else { $s = trim($s); $s = '-' if not $s; return $s; } } sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; return $s; } sub LinksToRDF { my $item_url = shift; my $content = shift; my $newcontent = <<EOC; <rdf:RDF> <channel> <title>$item_url</title> <link>$item_url</title> <description>Auto-built from HTML links</description> </channel> EOC my $link; my @links = ($content =~ m|(<a\s+href=.*?</a>)|gsi); foreach $link (@links) { $link =~ m|<a\s+href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>|i; my ($href, $title) = ($1, $2); next if substr($title,0,1) eq '<'; $newcontent .= <<EOC; <item> <title>$title</title> <link>$href</link> </item> EOC } $newcontent .= "</rdf:RDF>"; return $newcontent; }