Mirror Status

Monitored packages: 21
Total size: 7.56 TB
  Mirror Synchronization Size  
Last Age
AlmaLinux [ftp] 01/04/24 23:59 4h 23m 972.96 GB
ArchLinux [ftp] 02/04/24 01:03 3h 18m 171.42 GB
CentOS [ftp] 01/04/24 23:59 4h 23m 435.89 GB
CPAN [ftp] 02/04/24 02:46 1h 35m 31.90 GB
Debian [ftp] 02/04/24 00:59 3h 22m 1.04 TB
Debian Releases [ftp] 02/04/24 02:05 2h 17m 66.23 GB
Debian Security [ftp] 02/04/24 02:59 1h 23m 119.89 GB
Dotdeb [ftp] 02/04/24 04:01 5h 23m 23.51 GB
Hiren Boot CD [ftp] 02/04/24 00:59 3h 23m 4.08 GB
IPFire [ftp] 02/04/24 00:59 3h 23m 264.54 GB
Kali Linux [ftp] 02/04/24 01:59 2h 23m 474.10 GB
Kali Releases [ftp] 02/04/24 02:59 1h 23m 209.21 GB
Linux Mint [ftp] 02/04/24 04:03 19m 39.07 GB
Mikrotik [ftp] 31/12/15 20:00 3014d 8h 22m 21.96 GB locked
OpenLDAP [ftp] 02/04/24 01:59 2h 23m 835.07 MB
Proxmox VE [ftp] 02/04/24 04:20 2m 463.95 GB
Putty [ftp] 02/04/24 03:59 23m 75.39 MB
Raspbian [ftp] 01/04/24 23:59 4h 23m 570.58 GB
Repoforge [ftp] 19/03/24 03:51 26d 13h 23m 33.42 GB
Ubuntu [ftp] 02/04/24 04:00 24m 2.68 TB
Ubuntu Releases [ftp] 02/04/24 00:59 3h 23m 31.44 GB


success/up to date in progress old fail/outdated

Lock file exists (should be only the case when syncing is in progress, otherwise something has happened)